Continuously incrementing and improving aims and objectives are as follows:
1.To focus for the holistic development of the deprived social segments.
2.To respond with love and concern towards human pain, suffering and exploiting in any form.
3.To undertake relief and rehabilitation measures in case of natural or man-made catastrophe.
4.To indulge in research and documentation work on relevant issues related to outreach marginalized friends.
5.To uplift the deprived and encourage other organizations in networking and advocacy with like minded individual towards securing rights of the deprived citizens.
6.To publish books, illustrations, journals, magazines and other publications , periodically in different languages for the propagation of above objectives.
7.To make correspondence in lawful manner to arrange meetings, conference, seminars with the concerned govt. authorities for the solution of social problems of general public.
8.To establish educational institutions, training centre, spiritual study centres, orphanages, widow houses, rehabilitation centres, libraries, set up branches and other charitable institutions and to undertake all such measures and activities that may be deemed proper for the promotion and attainment of the above objectives.
9.To organize environment program of tree plantation and awareness program regarding air, water, sound pollution and all related activities regarding environment.
10.To support HIV/AIDS suffering communities, organizing seminars, workshop, awareness, medical camps and support time to time in any form.
11.To support blind people, encourage them, educate in computers and organize others educational facilities program for them, so they can stand on their own feet and attain self confidence and positivity.
12. To establish educational institutions, training centre, spiritual study centres, orphanages, widow houses, rehabilitation centres, libraries, set up branches and  other charitable institutions and to undertake all such measures and activities that may be deemed proper for the promotion and attainment of the above objectives.